Monday, 27 July 2009

Pubcast 2: The Lamb and Flag, Covent Garden, WC2E

In this second pubcast, Dave shows Alex the somewhat cramped delights of the Lamb and Flag. The ten-point pub manifesto is revised (probably the first of many, many revisions), the merits of Victorian Bare-Knuckle boxing are discussed and a vague feeling of unease is experienced.

Listen in to find out if Alex and Dave can categorically state that the Lamb and Flag is a better pub than The Anchor.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Pubcast 1: The Anchor, Bankside SE1

In the inaugural Orwellian Pubcast, Dave and Alex sit in the Anchor on London's Southbank, setting the criteria for the Orwellian Pubcast scoring system and then ranking the pub on it. The 10 point, percentage rating is nominally based upon Orwell's essay, Moon Under the Water, but adapted to reflect both our beer intake in the hours prior to the pubcast and what we think Orwell would look for, were he around today. Obviously, this is a heady brew itself, so expect revision to be both copious and immediate...